Thursday, January 29, 2009


Our grandchildren range in age from 4 months old to 21 years old. (Top Photo) They are from left to right Brook and Maycee (almost 12) Megan (attending school in Provo), Kenzi (married and attending cosmotology school), (Little Z) Zhar 4 months, Mickell (13) Boston (3) (Bottom Photo) Mickell, Megan, Boston, Maycee holding Zhar, Kenzi and Brook
We love them all and are so proud of all the good things they do! We LOVE Hanging Out with them!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is a picture of my brothers and sisters. We all got together last week and had a ball (as we usually do)! I am the youngest of 8 children. I have five brothers and two sisters. My three oldest brothers, Kay, Frank, and Stan have all passed away. My brothers George and Ralph, and my sisters Jeannie and Sandra all live close by. We have a great family, who loves spending time together! When we get together for holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving, the 4th of July and Christamas time, there are close to 200 of us! We love it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

McAllister Family CHRISTMAS FUN!!

Our family has tons of family traditions that go way back! (As far back as when I was a little girl) But some of the new ones we've started are having a grandma Nancy and grandaughters book breakfast party on the morning of Christmas Eve.
I buy a fun Christmas book and give one to each of the girls and decorate around the theme of the book. This years books was "The Chirstmas Kiss". Below are some pictures of our party.
Since we only had grandaughters first, this was a fun tradition, and now our two little boys have joined our clan, we came up with a Grandpa Russell and the boys outing. Boz and Zhar are still kinda little for Gramps to handle by himself, so I tagged along this year to "Pirate Island Pizza". Here are some pictures of our silly time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This was a fast snapshot of our entire family.It was taken on the day that Zhar was blessed.